2nd Paris-Saclay Junior Conference on Computational Biology

The 2nd Paris-Saclay Junior conference on Computational Biology will be held on november 14th 2018 on the Orsay campus of Paris-Sud University (Bât. 338).


This Conference organized by the PsayCompBio consortium is aimed to allow young researchers to present their work on a 15 min talk (+5 min questions). Students and post-doctoral fellows from laboratories of the Paris area are encouraged to submit an abstract of up to 2000 characters for selection (Abstract submission is now closed). 11 speakers have been selected.

There is no poster session scheduled. Two keynotes addressed by Guillaume Bouvier (Institut Pasteur, Paris) and William Ritchie (Intitute of Human Genetics, Montpellier) will complete the day.

The meeting program is now available through the "program" page of the site.

Registration to the meeting will be open until November 10th. Registration, free but compulsory, will be on a first come first registered basis, with a maximum number of 100 participants.

Students of the Master of Bioinformatics at the University of Paris-Saclay will be present during the meeting to discover the work carried out in laboratories of the area.


The conference langage will be English, although French talks may be considered.


Anne Lopes and Daniel Gautheret

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